Bonjour Amigo.

Go. Make love.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I always get to a point when I'm just tired of trying. I want to give up, not because it isn't worth it or wasn't but simply just because I have no strength to endure anymore disappointments. I have my fair share of closeted disappointments already -I don't need to add any more. But how do i give up. How do i just stop. And do I really want to. I don't want any regrets or feeL guilty when I look back - The past would be such an unpleasant place to visit if it were full of regrets - I havent been able to figure any of these questions that have been throbbing in my mind for .. who knows. But my fucking brain is on the verge of being fried. Set myself a date, deadline and by then .. by then I still will be hoping and trying pathetically. Because as much as I want to grow some balls, I am a sucker for second, third, fourth .. chances. Lets just say I'm extremely persistent then, in the best way too of course.