Bonjour Amigo.

Go. Make love.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Month of Change (Difference)

Originating from an article in Frankie Magazine, Jen and I will take up the challenge of "31 Days of Change, Difference & Newness." Some additional people have jumped on the bandwagon and each of us have our own focus in mind. The tricky part is spontaneously producing these results, not planning ahead. Which I'm already finding difficult, because I'm listing so many things in my head at the moment. This prompts a question though, how come I haven't already accomplished this list? Why is it that I needed to set an official challenge for myself? At this point, who know, who cares. I do know that I want to have effective changes in my life, even if they don't last beyond the 31 days. Bring it.