Bonjour Amigo.

Go. Make love.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The morning.

I really should be getting ready for school. Brush my teeth, wash my face, curl my lashes, smear some eye shadow on, slip into comfy clothes that will accomodate this oddd 27 degrees day. But I'm not .. Besides, Vy is still in the bathroom straightening her hair.
I have a full day at uni today. I know I'm already going to be be a little late for the first class because I have to run off and print my work. Then head off to Hannahs for lunch, do some work while I'm there, and then walk to Lygon street for class. Hopefully that class ends early. So I can come home and TIDY my room and house before everyone comes over.
I'm so hungry. Oh Vys done. Off I go.

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