Bonjour Amigo.

Go. Make love.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I wish I was brave.

I spend so much time dreaming. Or pretending everything is a dream, wishing how things could be instead of confronting and facing or accepting what is right in front of me. I watch movies and see the hero characters stepping up to harsh realities and wish so badly & desperately that I could do the same in my everyday battles of petty problems. There are days where I get up and miraculously motivate myself to get out of bed and face the day, but when it's a day where I am intimidated by the possibility of failure, I cower under my sheets and slowly and patheticly make an attempt to be productive. I want to be able to deal with eveyrthing head on, with confidence - NO FEAR. I need something real to inspire me. Not magazines, or videos or youtube clips. Real inspiration. I don't remember the last time I was truly inspired.

I wish I was more independant.
I want to be stronger.
I need to be braver.

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