Bonjour Amigo.

Go. Make love.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Let your hair down.

I've always wondered how my cousin manages her journeys across far distances on her own. Doesn't she grow bored and lonely? Scared even, at the thought of having no one to help at hand. It all sounds very poetic and liberating to pack up your things, get in the car, and go where the road takes you. But when she tells me she has driven to the bushlands and taken refuge in her car not one, but two nights alone, I've been a little concerned. I guess I would have to experience that freedom myself to understand how she could muster up the courage to do that.
I went for a drive with Josh before, and I couldn't stop driving. At this very moment, the summer breeze is whipping around like violent waves in the sea. It feels so nice. We drove out to grab some refreshing slurpees and I decided to take the extra, extra, extra long way home. Plenty of block rounders and u-turns to extend my drive. But it was the drive home after I dropped Josh off at home that something kicked in.
I had all of my windows wound down, letting the wind whip against my face and all up in my hair. I had Eagle Eye Cherry's Save Tonight playing at a high volume and was singing my heart out to it. I felt so free spirited and was tempted with thoughts of driving off to Angelsea instead of coming home, instead of coming back to go to work in the morning. So tempting.
My longing for a roadtrip is now stronger than ever.

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