Bonjour Amigo.

Go. Make love.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Year to be Daring.

I've always had this thing. This rule, you might call it, that I don't like cutting in the middle of things. I like to start at the beginning. It's the same for everything. I wouldn't watch a show, half way through the season, or a movie thirty minutes in, or skim through a page in a novel on page seventy-two. I wait to get the first episode, or rewind to the start and I would definitely start a book, from the inside front cover even, but not further on. I think it has a lot to with not wanting to miss out on anything. Not wanting to go in unknowingly. Needing everything before I commit.

Throughout my thesis project last year, I was always hesitant to dive in head first into projects. My mentor, eventually talked to me about this. He said, "I get the feeling you're just dipping your toe in the water Phuong. You don't want to do something without knowing what's going to happen." And I suppose that's true. I know that now, more than ever. With certain things, I just can't. But for a while now, I've needed change. I need to break that habit. Everything and everyone is changing, adapting to changes. So I should to. Change is inevitable. And being able to adapt, helps us through that process. So, almost a quarter of the way through this year, supposedly the year the world comes to and end, I've got my resolution.

Be Brave.
Live in & Seize the Moment.

It's the year for Adventures.
It's the year to be adventurous.

Today is the 1st of April. This is my first blog for 2012.

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