Bonjour Amigo.

Go. Make love.

Friday, April 29, 2011

# 6983780

Just one of the reasons why I love Josh. He brought lunch to me on my break :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Another Day.

Quick breakfast to start the day, working hard, and lunch break at the cousins (Aunty's farewell lunch before she went back to Vietnam the next day.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Be brave and wing it?

I haven't read my star sign in ages, not one where its spot on.
Where do I even begin. How do I. It's always easier said than done. But I should stop pretending that I've got it all under wraps. I need to remind myself though, that there are people with lives, far from perfect. Problems, that will never see the light of resolution.

Chris Hemsworth!

I think Thor deserved an individual post!

"Who's with their first love tonight? Put your hands up!"

Big night out with Josh! He took me to dinner, the comedy festival and the cinemas. Best night out in a while.
Love comedy. Love laughing to the point where I can't breathe and my cheeks need massaging. I can always trust Josh to choose someone hilarious to watch at the Comedy Festival. I've seen Steven K. Amos plenty of times on television, but it would never beat seeing him live. Ever. He was so incredibly hilarious. My cheeks are still sore.
"Who's with their first love tonight? Put your hands up!" :)
"Bananas? Fuck no, they're too expensive."

You had to be there.

We visited Jen before going to SKA and again after watching THOR. So epic. I love superhero movies! Probably because there is always a happy ending HEHE. Dareisay, Thor had much more laughs than Iron Man! I loved it! I love Chris Hemsworth (Shhh, don't tell Josh). Mmmm, sweet dreams tonight.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beef, pineapple, lettuce, tomato, oni ...

Officially on midsemester break as of today.
Satisfied our Grill'd cravings.
Classic Summer (or Somer?) Sunset, herbed chips
with herbed mayo & schweppes orange & mango.
Watched Josh work his poker magic.
Caught up with Jen with drinks to 'fucking relax.'

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 2.

Let's see how long I can keep up this little regime! Good luck me!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Homemade Lemon & Lime Bitters

Pretty lemon & lime bitters I made for Josh :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Neverending Brain Fuck.

Just a few things ..
*One thing has been pissing me off is the fact that I don't find the time to dedicate as little as 10 minutes to write in my journal everyday. Not just any, but the one my brother bought for me last christmas, or was it the christmas before that, titled 365, with each page numbered prompting for daily entries. Now there are just wasted blank pages. I intend to recall these days and simply sketch or doodle something. So much for recording my epic year.

*I am way past the point of tolerance for people who are hyprocrites, eat shit, are full of shit and waste my time.

*I am right at that point when I think becoming bulimic is my only option to lose weight. How and where can I find motivation to eat on a healthy diet and excercise regularly. In other words, how do you convert a lazy slob like me. I am so unhealthy.
*Working to live .. :|

*On the brighter side. I believe I'm doing much better in my uni studies. I can't seem to drink much anymore, therefore less damage to my brain and liver, more money saved.

*ECSTATIC for The Epic Road Trip around Australia at the end of the year.
And equally excited for my trip to California next year. Currently cooking up schemes in my mind to sneak Josh on a plane to anotehr country with me.

*Easter weeekenddd fast approaching. HELLS YEAH.

*Marriage. Children. Family. Career. Too far?

Time for bed!

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Injury from the football! :'-(

Monday, April 11, 2011

Jen said it.

Jen said:

"Dedicating your emotional effort into something is leaving yourself open for defeat. It doesn't usually have to be this dramatic, but when it happens its very disappointing. You feel stupid because you know it was wrong to put in the effort, but you did it anyway. And it let you down. Oh well. Shrug it off and plan your next step forward ..."

For fuck sakes, why do people suck.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Happy 26 Months Stud.
I love you :)