Bonjour Amigo.

Go. Make love.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Tueday Blues.

So the reason why I slept so well might have something to do with the rain hammering against my window in the wee hours of this morning. I'd like to think that yesterday's productiveness contributed to it as well. Yestersday was my first assignment hand in and was worth 10%. I started the short project when I woke up in the morning and printed it just an hour before it was due. Good times ahead this year. The first official class, wasn't at all bad. We all placed our work on the floor in the centre, and presented one after another. It wasn't until halfway through that I realised that our class comprised of 55 students. 55 PRESENTATIONS! And I didn't get bored, nor did it feel tedious. Amazing.

The weather looks so gloomy today. I'm a little confused to why I'm feeling slightly blue, even more so that it's not the weathers fault. Well, I know what it is, just need to figure out the why. I think my time of the month is approaching. Hoorah to emotional rollercoaster for a few days, not that I'm already on it.

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