Bonjour Amigo.

Go. Make love.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hectic ..

.. Is the the almost perfect way to describe the state of everything at the moment. This coming week is the last week of class for uni, and then for most uni-goers swotvac weeks begins, counting down towards midyear exams. For those design students like myself, its cramming as much tutorials and working towards preliminary presentations, final hand-ins and minor presentations, AND THEN pulling our best efforts together for the final presention. After that, its pretty much exhibtion and the handing in of the semesters portfoilo, easily done.
I've got so much to do, yet the number of things swimming around madly in my mind would resemble some sort of a massive traffic conjestion. At least after this week, it will be two less classes to worry about - sort of.

I can't wait for it to slow down, for it to stop.
I can't wait for freedom to hit.
I can't wait to get away.

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