Bonjour Amigo.

Go. Make love.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oh passion, where art thou?

I've been so lost lately. I'm always lost, but this time it's in regards to my passion and future in design. I am in my third year at RMIT undertaking a bachelor of design in Interior Design. In year 12, it's not what I wanted, but somehow my initial desire to be an architect, at present doesn't seem to be a good idea anyway. I loved and would like to think that I was fairly talented in graphic design and photography. At least my passion for it burned very brightly. I don't recall being very excited with my architectural assignments I did in visual & communication classes. Only the graphic components.

The past few years I've found it really hard to motivate myself to do work. I'd love to be an architect and an interior designer. The title no doubt sounds grand, and being equipped with the skills and knowledge in this discipline of design would indeed be verrrry verryyy, very awesome. I come across a range of interior and architectural works and everytime, I would burn with inspiration. But not motivation. I get excited about it. But when it comes to uni, I can never bring enough to the table. I am always missing some element in the process or whatever.

It seems though, just the past 2 weeks, I've made a turn. From doing very badly in my midsemester presentation, my tutors Jhana and Rosie have said that I'm much more enthusiastic, showing a lot of excitement, producing great ideas and am speaking confidently for the first time about my work. They're excited to see my end project. So you can imagine how awesome I felt, or am feeling. So yes, I have miraculously found the smallest ounce of motivation and put some effort into working hard. Not long left to go.

Tmrw : One presentation down
Friday: Handing in of the second presentation
Monday: Second presentation down
Tuesday: Preliminary presentation down
June 11th : Final presentation .. (Folios on the 18th of June)

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