Bonjour Amigo.

Go. Make love.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


It takes one bad or crap thing to lose sight of the good things in life. Well for me it does. Once that streak of lovely events comes to a sudden halt, I dive into a repetitive state of pessimism and negativity. Not because its easier than confronting everything, but just because I do. I am with great shame, weak. However, I can proudly say that the duration of these morbid periods are becoming shorter and shorter. That is progress right? Whats that quote or saying .. Some progress is better than none at all. - Or somethings, are better than nothing.
Apart from the shittiness recently, I'm rediscovering my long lost passion for design (touch wood - lets see how long this lasts) and I'm doing better in uni. On friday I had my best tutorial all semester. Maybe I can aim high this time and for once I actually believe that it is possible for me to achieve that.

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